Wednesday 6 May 2015

6/5/15- Colour Development

Today I decided I needed to work on colours for my collection. I have a problem that I tend to not colour in my designs because I find it quite a fiddly task which isn’t enjoyable but it is important that I show colour. I asked Becca about this problem and she recommended that I coloured in the designs using photoshop as it is a quicker process and you can use the exact colours you want. So after this I scanned in my designs and used the magic wand and fill tool to colour the designs in. I am using a fairly subtle colour palette as I want the shapes and fabric to be the main focus. I also tried out in the different designs changing the main colour focus to see what worked well. I think I like a mainly neutral palette of black, greys and white and then using my prints and blue to add detail and interest. After using this technique today I think it is one I need to use more as it is a quicker way of accurately and experimentally trying out colours in my designs and also where I could use my prints. To improve I need to make the lines in my drawings smoother and possibly more solid as they didn’t always show up well on photoshop which make some of the design a bit distorted. 

Today I also thought more about my final garment, I have decided to make my duvet coat and I tried to do a bit more research into how I can colour it. The methods I thought of were dying, covering or spraying and I think I am going to dye the duvet as it will mean the fabric will keep its duvet qualities such as the existing seams and quilted quality which is something I want to keep as it will give the coat a rawness like that I was inspired by in Nick Hedges photographs. I do now need to think about what dye I can use and how it will be affected by the duvet fabric. At the moment I think a Dylon machine dye will work the best and the most suitable duvet I can get is a poly cotton which should hold the dye. 

Next I need to continue generating designs and developing on what I like so I can start to get towards a more final outcome. I also need to begin to think about constructing my garments and what I am doing in this as I need to begin making it next week. 

(Colouring my designs, authors own, 7/5/15)

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