Friday, 15 May 2015

15/5/15- Skirt Construction

Today I worked on making my skirt. Throughout the week I have been creating the toile for my skirt and I am happy with it so today I finished cutting out my fabric and began constructing it. I had already sewed the basic underskirt together last night so using the pattern I made yesterday I added the facing to the waist as to discreetly neaten the top edge. This worked well and gave a flat edge so when the overskirt is added it shall not be bulky. After this I had to sew my overskirt together which is constructed like an apron and will be tied over the underskirt. Overall this went well, I had to sew the pleats, printed panel and ruffles together to the waistband. I had to be careful with this as having multiple elements meant it could get bulky. At first with the printed front panel I made it with a back so all the raw edges were enclosed but once I had done this I realised it was just too bulky to be sewn to the waistband, I had already clipped the inside edges as it was being turned inside out which would have been a problem but luckily as the fabric doesn't fray I managed to still create hems on the edges by just folding them very small and sewing. Although this did mean there was stitching on the outside I made sure it was neat and close to the edge. Once I had sorted that out I sewed the ruffles down the side zigzag stitching the raw edged to make sure they didn't fray and so were secure.

(Constructing my skirt, authors own, 15/5/15)

Overall I am really pleased with how the skirt has turned out. It didn't end up being too bulky which I was worried about and I am pleased with how the colours and fabrics have worked together. I have learnt more about constructing garments from this as I was unsure at the beginning of how I would construct the different elements together. I also think my sewing skills generally were more accurate as I wanted to keep the skirt looking neat and I usually tend to make little mistakes when sewing but I managed to avoid these and apart from changing and unpicking the panel at the front to make it less bulky the construction went smoothly. If I could improve it I think I would change the fabric of the pleats to something that would hold its shape a little better so they were sharper and held the lines of the pleats better when hanging. 

Next I need to construct my duvet coat ready for Tuesday so it can be photographed with my skirt. At the moment the shape of the coat is going to need more experimenting to get it right and I also think I am going to have to shorten the coat otherwise it is going to cover up all the detailing on the top of the skirt.

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